Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

Posted by Sonya 4 comments
Labels: pink Christmas decorating ideas
Monday, December 21, 2009
Don't Be Silly Darling, It's Just Wine
I love a good glass of wine. Kicking back at the end of the day with a nice glass of wine is one of life's little pleasures, and it could also be good for you. A few years ago reports came out suggesting that a glass of red wine per day protects against heart disease and can even reduce the risk of heart attack in middle aged people by 30-50%.
Although I like both red and white wine, I'm partial to red. When it comes to red wine I'm not picky. I like them all, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Beaujolais, Bergamais, they're all wonderful. Since I like all red wine, the bottle, as well as the label plays a big role in my selection, and a lot of times I discover some of my new favorites this way. To me, picking out the wine is part of the pleasure. Case in point, my current favorite. Mad Housewife Merlot. The label on this one caught my eye and peaked my curiosity.
Not only was the label trendy and funny but I identified with it!
Several days later my cute shirt arrived in the mail, along with a little freebie they threw in. What a nice touch!
Here is the website if you'd like to see more.
Posted by Sonya 3 comments
Labels: Mad Housewife, Wine
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Photo via PicApp
Posted by Sonya 3 comments
Labels: Bergdorf Goodman Christmas Window Display, Christmas, Decorations, Holidays, New York City
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mixed-Media Art Journaling, My Journey
I have kept a journal or a diary for pretty much my whole life. Sometimes my entries consist of a quick list to jog my memory later, while others are 2 or 3 pages of my innermost thoughts. A close friend gave me the gift of a "Grief Journal" after my father died in August of 2008. It was a 'prompted' journal that helped me to organize my thoughts, which were all over the place. I journaled daily. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. It was too painful to talk about, but yet I came to a point in my grieving that I had to get it out. I wrote about everything. My memories of him and the days leading up to his death. I detailed our last conversation, word for word, so I would never, ever forget our last words to each other. I wrote about the night my daddy died in my arms, and about how I felt, and it was therapy in a way. Even though it's been over a year since he died, I'm still not thru the "5 Stages of Grief". No where near in fact, and I continue to journal. Sometimes it's too painful to write about my dad, but the journal helps me remember things, a task that has become extrememly difficult since my thoughts are so jumbled these days, and my brain never stops thinking.
I recently became interested, well obsessed is probably a better word for it, with mixed-media Art Journaling. In addition to always keeping a journal, I've always been fairly creative and 'artsy', but I never thought of combining the two. I spent hours searching the internet and visiting the websites of some extremely talented artists and I was so inspired by their work as well as the idea of an Art Journal as therapy. As I read more I discovered that Art Therapy is often used for people dealing with grief or trauma and decided I just had to give it a try. I felt as if all I had read about it was true, not only was it therapeutic, I began to learn so much about myself, so I could add personl growth to my list of positve effects of making an art journal. Not only was it a healthy way to express myself, it kept my mind focused and busy. I've decided to take it one step further by documenting my Art Journaling experience here on my blog. So here is my very first 'spread'. It isn't finished yet, but I am quite pleased with how it's coming a long.
Posted by Sonya 2 comments
Labels: art journaling, art therapy, diary, grief, mixed media, self expression
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Posted by Sonya 0 comments
Labels: bed canopy, decorating, pink, shabby chic, wall words
Friday, October 30, 2009
Color Therapy and The Power of Pink

- Short-term decrease in aggression. When detainees were put in a pink admissions room for 15 minutes or less, they exhibited less aggressive behavior, an effect which lasted at least another 30 minutes after they left the room. But it had to be that very specific shade of pink to be effective. Brighter shades of pink tended to have the opposite effect! In spite of these powerful effects, there is substantial evidence that these reactions are short term. Once the body returns to a state of equilibrium, a prisoner may regress to an even more agitated state.
- A natural appetite suppressant. Johns Hopkins Medical University in Baltimore, as part of a weight control program gave patients a color square called "bubble gum pink." The reason for this is that pink has shown to suppress appetite as well as snacking related to stress.
- Relaxation-was observed in subjects who stared at an18 by 24 inch card-board plate of Baker-Miller pink. It was found that there was no other color that could consistently result in the same relaxation.
- Stress relief. Schauss recommends printing a page with Baker-Miller pink on it and carrying it with you to look at in times of stress.
- A Reduction in heart rate, blood pressure and pulse when intentionally elevated by physical activity.
- Reduction in Strength
- Calmness
So whenever you're feeling stressed and need to calm down and relax, click this link and gaze at this beautiful pink, and see if it has an effect on you.
Posted by Sonya 0 comments
Labels: baker-miller, color therapy, effects on mood, pink